Customer Service / Whistleblowing
If you have a suggestion or a complaint you may send it to us by electronic mail or by post. Before lodging a complaint, please read the attached Regulation on Customer Protection of the entities of the Societe Generale Group Spain (you will need Acrobat Reader).
Data protection
The claimant expressly authorizes the bank to create an automated or manual database that contains the personal information of the claimant, as long as the sole purpose is the oversight and recording of complaints lodged against the bank.
The bank may keep the data until the statute of limitations has run on all actions based on this claim. The claimant may at any time exercise the right to access, modify, cancel, or dispute provided in the Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December in writing to Societe Generale.
Complaints and claims
Complaints and claims can be made, personally or through a representative, using a hard copy or by computer, electronic or telematic means, as long as they allow the reading, printing and record keeping of the documents and comply with the Law 59/2003 of December 19, of electronic signature.
The following information shall be provided:
- Name, last name and home address of the applicant, and where necessary the address of his representative, properly authorized; ID number in the case of individuals and registry data in the case of entities.
- Reason for the complaint or claim, clearly specifying the issues on which a decision is required.
- Office or offices, departments or services related to the facts which are the subject of the complaint or claim.
- That the claimant is not aware that the subject of the complaint or claim is being conducted through administrative, legal proceedings or arbitration.
- Documentary evidence in his possession on which his complaint or claim is based and that justifies the ownership of the financial instruments at the origin of the claim.
- Place, date and signature in case the claim is made using a hard copy.
Postal mail address
Customer Service of the entities of the Societe Generale Group in Spain
Plaza Pablo Ruiz Picasso, 1. Torre Picasso planta 12.
28020 Madrid
Related documents
Regulation on Customer Protection of the entities of the Societe Generale Group in Spain
Societe Generale group is strengthening its set-up for recording and processing alerts. The new mechanism, in compliance with the obligations defined by French legislation, allows staff to report serious matters that do not comply with the rules governing the conduct of the Group’s activities. Open to staff, external and temporary members of staff or service providers with whom an established commercial relationship exists (subcontractors or suppliers), it is based on a secure external platform that guarantees the protection of personal data and the strict confidentiality of information. It is accessible in French and English via the link below. The multilingual version will be deployed during 2019. Access Societe Generale Group whistleblowing channel. Access Societe Generale Sucursal en España whistleblowing channel.